850 Heating & Air LLC

Contact: Joshua Mccreary

Phone: 850-428-9857

Email: j.nd88fan@gmail.com

Mills Heating & Air

Contact: Jon Stephens

Phone: 850-685-6954

Email: comfortconsultant@millshvac.com

Casey Electric

Phone: 850-682-3037

Website: https://www.caseyelectric.com/


Cal's Appliance Repair

Phone: 850-678-4838

Ripley's Appliance Repair

Phone: 850-678-3120

Jackson Appliance Repair

Phone: 850-678-7491


Lisandra and Dimas

Phone: 850-225-0567

Enchanted Cleaning

Phone: 850-797-9579


Phone: 850-307-7141

Reneata Cleaning

Phone: 850-543-2007

Mid-Bay Window Cleaning

Phone: 850-897-0252


JMG Handyman Services

Phone: 850-377-4800

Website: www.facebook.com/jimhandymanservices

Bowdren Home Repair

Contact: Chip Bowdren

Phone: 850-865-1660

Email: chipbowdren54@gmail.com

Website: www.chipbowdrenshomerepair.com

TNT Restorations LLC.

Phone: 850-333-4132

Email: jandrewstnt@yahoo.com


Contact: Kiel Twietmeyer

Phone: 815-790-8678

Email: twietmeyerdesign@gmail.com

Brent Smith Construction, LLC

Phone: 850-585-5025

Email: brentsmith0407@gmail.com

Florida Bath and Surface

Phone: 850-267-9424

Website: https://www.constructionresourcesusa.com/florida-bath-surfaces/

Tub Magic, LLC

Contact: James Dean

Phone: 334-224-9042

Email: jamesdean@tubmagicrepair.com

Website: www.tubmagicrepair.com


Clean Floors

Contact: Thomas

Phone: 850-974-0429

Service Master

Contact: Tim Young

Phone: 850-837-8512

Email: tim@servicemastertwins.com

Website: www.servicemastertwins.com


Donnie Couples Marine Construction

Contact: Donnie Couples

Phone: 850-714-4505

Website: donniecouplesmarineconstruction.com

Anchors Marine

Contact: Bryan Luke

Phone: 850-259-0947

Contact: Brandon Godard

Phone: 850-974-1082

Contact: Brandon Godard

Phone: 850-974-1082

Contact: Kiel

Phone: 815-790-8678

Pilot's Painting

Contact: Mark

Phone: 850-217-1955

Contact: Brent Smith

Phone: 850-585-5025

Email: brentsmith0407@gmail.com

BCT Electrical

Phone: 850-225-7604

Email: LeonardWRussell@gmail.com

Ray Electrical Services, Inc.

Phone: 850-685-0459

Email: rays.electrical.service@gmail.com


Niceville Fence

Phone: 850-502-5370

Shalimar Fence

Phone: 850-651-0795

Seashore Flooring

Phone: 850-267-3677

Simpler Carpets and Tile

Phone: 850-678-7925

Pro Flooring Inc.

Contact: Pete Ochoa

Phone: 850-428-9233

Email: ochoapete30@gmail.com

Bluewater Garage Repair

Phone: 850-503-5032

Contact: Pat

Phone: 850-699-1650


Premium Shower Glass & Window

Contact: Henry Sherman

Phone: 850-499-5186

Email: Henry.PremiumShower@gmail.com

Coastline Shutters

Contact: Robert Flewellyn

Phone: 850-377-5796

Email: Contact.coastlineshutter@gmail.com

Destin Glass

Phone: 850-837-8329

Website: DestinGlass.com

GVS Glass

Contact: Courtney Dodds

Phone: 850-678-7080

Website: http://www.gvsfl.com/

Old Republic Home Protection

Website: www.orhp.com

(Toolbox for ordering warranties online)

American Home Shield

Contact: Suzanne Kallenbach

Phone: 850-419-5142

Email: skallenbach@ahslink.com

Home Warranty of America

Phone: 888-492-7359

Website: www.hwahomewarranty.com

LEMASTERS Outdoor Specialist

Phone: 850-533-0773